Publishing Tearsheets - Some Samples or Examples of My Images as they were Published in Magazines, Books, Calendars & other Publications. Alabama & Gulf Coast Photographer.

Many of these images are intentionally distorted or blurry out of respect for the publications involved.

About the Photographer
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2005-edition 2009MMBackCover       2009MMCover Rodz21Cover_mid 2wheelTuner MMfront
Rodz28Cover_mid barberM1 barberM2 Rodz23Cover_mid

ckd907 cover67 ckdJune avenues february2008cover jalinMM bhamRealtor knightRundr
maternity mmHlegh2 mmHlegh lambo mmJamie motorcycleCoverSM my_fair_lady newcvr.9mag
fullerHotBikeSpread grandAmRace gt3mckenzie gt3mckenzie2 gt3mckenzie3 onb jalinMM2
osrAug1 osrAug2 rpm rsr sema steph swann swann2
page084 page085     page086 page087 racingViper reneeRnde rounder907
rounderDavida rounderTiff
page036 page037 page038 page039
bike09cover ashley fullerHotBike baj erinRndr fer599

fashion, glamour, model, catalog, magazine photographer, published, calendar, image, Birmingham, Alabama, photographer -- --